The Vermont Tobacco-Free College Campus Initiative is proud to support Vermont colleges, universities, technical schools, trade schools, and other postsecondary education programs to create a healthy and safe environment to learn, live and work.
Improving campus tobacco policy takes dedication and we use the following levels to publicly recognize the campuses engaged in a commitment to creating a tobacco-free and/or smoke-free campus in Vermont communities.
Join us in acknowledging the commitment of the following institutions of higher learning to support a tobacco-free and/or smoke-free campus.
Apply for Star recognition for your campus, or apply to increase your Star magnitude.
The American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation publishes a list of campuses that have comprehensive tobacco-free or smoke-free policies in place. As of October 1, 2014, there were 1,477 smoke-free campuses, of which 975 were completely tobacco-free. A growing number (292) also prohibit the use of electronic cigarettes on their campuses.
When considering policy language, promotion and implementation for your campus it is important to recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all model. However, when it comes to improving health on campus and reducing the negative impacts of tobacco smoke and litter the more of the following list you can check off the more successful you will be: